This generation differs from that of our parents or the ones we were raised in, in my opinion. Whereas during our time (or I speak for myself - my time), parents and/or older ones demanding we do something because they said so would suffice, the situation differs now it seems. Not only do teenagers demand explanations for things they are asked to do, some children do too. Coupled with the phenomenal information explosion as a result of the internet, any 'unsatisfactory' answer given by a parent or older one could be checked and 'debunked' with the tap of some fingers on devices. How can and/or do we approach this? I believe an answer lies in the Scripture:
"Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 AMP
Training a child isn't passive! Consider the Olympics for example. Thousands of athletes spend a minimum of four years between games getting and staying in shape for competitions lasting a few seconds, minutes or hours, and for medals they probably wouldn't win (not being cynical 😀) - that is for those who qualify. For each game (except for relays or similar), only three winners emerge and are awarded gold, silver and bronze medals. This fact however, doesn't stop the other athletes from training hard and trying to get a medal the next time. Most athletes have a coach, who may not get decorated with medals, prize money or endorsements, but he or she would receive a job well done and probably accompanying accolades for every athlete of his/hers that emerges a winner (in addition to his/her salary of course 😉).
Parenting is like coaching to an extent (I'm not a parent yet, forgive my ignorance - this is largely my observation 🙈). Oh, the 'it takes a village' tribe kept us in check growing up; the 'village' disciplined us and we hoped it wouldn't go further. Seriously, who wants to be reported for acts of indiscipline to Mummy? No thanks 🤣.
You train up the child with an end goal in mind: 'the way he should go'; what his/her character should be, where you want he or she to end up etc.
Doing it right would give you rest & be a blessing to society. Imagine how having unruly kids disturb the peace of a particular environment! Then imagine it on a larger scale; criminal activities carried out by individuals who probably started as children/teengaers, but were not disciplined and now, innocent individuals and/or cities have to 'pay for it'.
I believe children should be trained to do what you tell them 'because it is right', but ensure it really is!
If you trick/deceive them just to do what you want and it becomes a pattern, they would not trust you and this would sooner than later cause friction. However, when they get to see that you're putting them in the right way out of love for them, no matter how long it takes or if they ever get to the point of realisation, they would appreciate you; but even if they don't, you'll be at peace that you did the right thing with them, the society would be better off in the long run and most importantly, you can rest assured that God would be happy with you because you obeyed Him by training your child or children. Seriously, isn't the Fathers approval what really matters?
Besides, you'll reap the fruit of that labour especially in your older years. Remember, a tree can produce much fruit on a yearly basis, but a seed is what produces a tree. I seriously doubt if a child well-trained by his or her parents would neglect them at old age.
The seeds you sow into your Children's lives determine the harvest of fruit you'll reap one day.
Yes, I do realise that some individuals due to a number of circumstances grew up without parents or individuals to train them in the right way and turned out great. I applaud you greatly and think you probably have stories to tell and experiences you've learned from that you wouldn't allow your kids to go through by God's grace. I'm mainly talking to parents here though:
Who your child turns out to be is very much related to how you trained him or her.
I advise your focus should go beyond training to do something 'because you said so', to 'because it is right'. That way, when they grow older by God's grace and are faced with diverse temptations to compromise on what is right, the 'because it is right' training would have been ingrained in their psyche and become part of their character, that no matter the consequence, they would be able to stay true to their convictions with God's help.
Stay blessed 😀 x
© Lydia Ndagilaya
© Lydia Ndagilaya
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